Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Photography Techniques

Rule Of Thirds
The rule of thirds I think is the basic for all professional photos and any other photos. Me using the rule of thirds would be a great advantage because I can use the focal points that your eyes go to immediately. like in the picture above when you look at it your eyes go directly to the upper right intersection where the bee's eye is at.

Posed Portraits
I'm going to use the posed portraits technique because I feel like if I were to do a one that has me doing something in motion then it would make me look like really doing it. I'm using this technique because I know that my and my person can do the posed portraits thing really well.

I want to do vignetting because it always seemed like a really cool technique. But I don't want to make the really heavy look of vignetting, I want to make very light for this photo almost unnoticeable. Almost like the example shown to the right but lighter.

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