Monday, June 14, 2010

Literary Reflections...

If there was one character I had to bring with me on to college it would be a Tralfmadorian. I would bring them with me because they have the ability to see into the future. On campus, they would be the counselors. I believe they would be great counselors because of how they could look into the future, and see the outcome of people lives. In Slaughterhouse Five, it seems that they work from the end of your life to the beginning. So since they work backwards, and you go from beginning to end, they already know the consequence of everything you do. I want to bring this character because they could help me make tough decisions. Even though they know the consequence of everything you do, I wouldn't want them to make the decisions for me because they are some decisions I would like to make on my own, so I could learn things in life and be a lot more wise as I get to my elderly days. I like the way they look at our human lives because they see it as us trapped in amber and this refers to the quote wen Billy Pilgrim is actually trpped in amber like a bug...

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