Friday, June 18, 2010

Semester Reflection Part 2

Besides grades, the thing that motivates me to work hard in school is the accomplishment oh just being able to say that I completed high school. Not a lot of people get to say they graduated from high school.

I care about my future, but lately I've been lacking to show that I do care. What I'm going to do about it is Force myself from things that distract me, and listen to music so that I won't get easily distracted.

The greatest challenge my generation is facing is if we can save the world and /or change the world. Meaning that my generation would have to go green to help restore the Earth back to a beautiful place to live. The necessary thing to do would be to continue to make user friendly, Earth friendly, solar powered, and bio-degradable materials that aren't harmful to the Planet Earth

A quality in a classmate that I would like to take on is having the ability to write very well. I know in the future that I will have to write essays and exam papers, so having the ability to write very well is something I would like to have.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Semester Reflections Part 1

I think the most valuable mistake I made was during the process of Media Saves the Beach (MSB). I kept getting hints from the teacher on how I should be helping others with their videos, or have people critique my script, and I wouldn't catch the hints that I should be working on the video because time is running out. I wish I would've caught the hints early so I would've done a better documentary video.

The project most valuable to me was Ampersand. I learned that Ampersand was reflected your experiences in the real world and how you viewed them. I learned that there are people in high places that really like the book Ampersand. I also learned that at in my article, I've grown as a writer.

I've learned that I work best when I'm doing work while listening to music. I've never gotten work done like I do when I'm listening to music. It blocks out all other conversations noises and distractions the could possibly slow me down.

Historical Reflections

If I were to bring someone to college, it would be Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). I would bring him with me because of how much he used the Big Stick Diplomacy towards other people. It was a threat it was just a reminder to let people know that if you don't cooperate, I can't stop these people from responding. Whenever I needed help he would come to my support. For example, if i got a "C" on a quiz, I would use him as the Big Stick Diplomacy and say I don't think giving me such a grade is a good idea.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Literary Reflections...

If there was one character I had to bring with me on to college it would be a Tralfmadorian. I would bring them with me because they have the ability to see into the future. On campus, they would be the counselors. I believe they would be great counselors because of how they could look into the future, and see the outcome of people lives. In Slaughterhouse Five, it seems that they work from the end of your life to the beginning. So since they work backwards, and you go from beginning to end, they already know the consequence of everything you do. I want to bring this character because they could help me make tough decisions. Even though they know the consequence of everything you do, I wouldn't want them to make the decisions for me because they are some decisions I would like to make on my own, so I could learn things in life and be a lot more wise as I get to my elderly days. I like the way they look at our human lives because they see it as us trapped in amber and this refers to the quote wen Billy Pilgrim is actually trpped in amber like a bug...