Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Semester TWO, Blog #5

1. Front Page of Lynn's DP
- I like her front page because of the simplicity it has yet it's very detailed. she explains a lot about herself in a way that's isn't too hard to follow with different gadgets in the way flying across the screen; its very professional

2. Corey's Internship Photo Essay Page
- The same thing with this one. He has pictures of different things he did. I noticed that he had a photo of him at internship on the computer. I haven't seen this layout before so this is unique in its simplicity while portraying who he is. it's very organized nothing it out of order; its structural and format is really good.

3. D'Vaughn's Blog
- Her blog is really well thought out. To me it looks as if she built it from scratch. It's very descriptive, with very simple content. She has complex words that suffice. Overall her blog, I say, would be a perfect example for a blog to be like.

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