Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Semester TWO, Blog #4

My hopes for this project is that I will be able to get the in between due dates during the process of this project completed, and met. I hope that it goes smoothly and I don't get distracted by little things that could be easily avoided. I hope I get as much critiques as I possibly can so my work will show how much effort I put into it. My goal for Ampersand is to show off my best work. I want to be able to look at my work in the book, and not second guess it; not say things like maybe I should've did or said this, maybe I should've change this and said it like that. My greatest goal is to look back at this project as say "that is my work in that book". My ambition is to gain more knowledge in the humanities subject. To gain more knowledge about what ampersand is all about and new, improved and better writing tips.

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