Thursday, February 4, 2010

Semester TWO Blog #2

Willie J. McGee makes extraordinary contributions to our community in his role as the Executive Director at All Congregations Together (ACT.) MAC‘s excellent leadership ability is evidenced through ACT’s award winning community services to underserved families and local businesses. ACT has served in excess of 20 organizations and agencies as well as provided over 1,000,000 trips for seniors, youth and individuals with limited means via the ComLink Vanpool and Transportation Services. MAC is a significant Diamond Community Fund Investor with JCNI and greatly involved in the Village Center Design Project. MAC received recognition and commendation from the California State Assembly for his 10 years of hard work and commitment to the California Community Renewal Summit. Prior to forming ACT in 1996, MAC worked for the Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a GM-15. He has over thirty years experience in various forms of transportation and related community services. He is a San Diego State University Community Economic Development graduate and has a Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA.)

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