Thursday, February 25, 2010

Semester TWO, Blog #8

(Will ADD MORE!... I'll Try To..)

Barack Hussein Obama
- Stimulus packages

- Trying to bring back the troops from Iraq

- 700 billion dollar bailout

- Hands-on government

- Better health care


Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- FDR was adamant about helping people and changing the economy, and he compared it to a “war against the emergency”

- FDR was willing to confront congress aggressively

- Created Social Security and the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) to safeguard the people

- Made disability benefits available to the disabled

- Established the REA (Rural Electrification Administration) to bring power to rural communities

- He brought us the New Deal: new agencies, new policies, new bills, passed

- He started broadcasting on the radio (“Fireside chats”), to reassure the public and gained even
more popularity as a result

- He was very approachable, warm, caring, involved, and reassuring

- People seemed to like his ideas better because he was focused on the people

- Big picture

- Endorsing new governing philosophy; government should serve the people by getting involved/taking action

- Higher expectations for govenrment thatn the people

- Almost assassinated

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